S&P 500 Forecasts 2025-01-31

Still out of the market.Daily: NegativeWeekly: Marginally positiveMonthly: Marginally negativeQuarterly: NegativeAnnual: Marginally negativeInvest at your own risk.

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S&P 500 Forecast 2025-01-30

I closed out my open position today. Daily forecast: Negative Weekly forecast: Marginally positiveMonthly forecast: Marginally negative Quarterly forecast: Positive Annual forecast: Marginally negative Invest at your own risk.

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S&P Forecast 2025-01-29

I deleveraged to being short the S&P 500 with a factor of just -1. Daily forecast: Negative Weekly forecast: Negative Monthly forecast: Marginally negative Quarterly forecast: Postivie Annual forecast: Marginally negative Invest at your own risk.

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S&P Forecast 2025-01-28

I’m intending to open a position shorting the S&P 500 with a leverage factor of -2 later today, because Daily Forecast: Negative Weekly Forecast: Negative Monthly Forecast: Negative Quarterly Forecast: Positive Annual Forecast: Marginally Negative I’m waiting for two more pieces of daily interest rate data that the source has not yet updated today before… Continue reading S&P Forecast 2025-01-28

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S&P 500 Forecast 2025-01-27

Daily: Positive; Weekly: Negative; Monthly: Marginally Negative; Quarterly: Positive Annual: Marginally Negative The daily and weekly forecasts disagree, so I’m sitting out. Invest at your own risk.

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S&P 500 Forecast 2025-01-24

Forecasts: Daily: Positive; Weekly: Marginally positive; Monthly: Marginally Negative; Quarterly: Positive, Annually: Bearish. I moved to the sidelines today. Invest at your own risk.

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Hiatus Explanation

I put my modeling on hiatus, because my annual model was rapidly unwinding its bearishness, and I looked back to see that it wasn’t just the most recent forecasts significantly changing. The model was uncomfortably unstable as new data came in. Thus, I put things on hold until I could explore more. My big conclusion… Continue reading Hiatus Explanation

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S&P Forecast 2025-01-22

Daily forecast: Positive Weekly forecast: Positive Monthly forecast: Marginally positive Quarterly forecast: Positive Annual forecast: Bearish Thus, I’m in a position long the S&P 500 without any extra leverage.

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